Thursday, September 8, 2011


Thursday, September 8, 2011
On Wednesday I went to my mom's after lifting and doing cardio at the gym and hung out with my little sister and helped her with her homework.  It was actually fun!  She had to read for 20 minutes and practice her spelling words for the week, which I quizzed her on. Even the Bonus Words! Which are pretty hard for 3rd graders: recommend, appetite, discovery, instruction.  I had to ingrain them into her mind and she got them all right in the end!  She also had a project to work on.  All the kids in her class had to build a pizza box oven thing. They were going to cook nachos at school and they had to make the pizza box oven to cook them. I remember doing this project in elementary school too, only we had to cook smores.
Just started making it

 Finished product!  We did pretty dang good!
We had a lot of fun too!  We had to use a stick to hold up the flap because it was the ONLY thing that would work! In the instructions, the teacher said to put a thumbtack or nail in the back of the box and tie a string on that, that then attaches to the top of the flap. That totally would not work on this box. It was frustrating for awhile, but then Brilliant Kylee went outside and grabbed the stick!
3rd Grader: 1     Sophomore in College: 0

 One of the blogs I am following is written by a girl I graduated with and it is fantastic! It seriously gets me so motivated to eat healthy, exercise, and try new foods that are good for me.  One of the things she does a lot is use the juicer she has.  I had never done that before and I have been wanting to do it for months!  I also just remembered that my mom has a juicer! DUH!  It is almost never used so I forgot all about it. So the same night as the pizza box oven creation, I went on a run. Yes, I did already exercise earlier that same day and I was exhausted, but a short run, seriously, sounded like so much fun!  So I ran for awhile around the block and then came back and decided to whip out that juicer!

Creation 1
Apple Carrot Ginger

My thoughts?   I thought it was pretty good:]  Personally, I like carrots, but not carrot juice. So I think that was kind of the deal breaker there, but I still drank it all and enjoyed it.

Creation 2
Apple Orange

I realize that it looks almost identical to the other one, but oh well.  This juice, OBVIOUSLY, is not adventurous in any way. But hey, I've got to start somewhere, and I just wanted something healthy and tasty, so why not add apples and oranges together!?  It was very good! I really want to start juicing more and making yummy smoothies with a blender, so that is my goal:]  I also really really really want to try making a Green smoothie. They sound amazing for  your body and also look good too!

After my first juicing experience, I ate some squash my mom put in the oven. Which was SO FREAKIN DELICIOUS!!!
All I put on it was pepper and a tiny tiny hint of salt.  That's it!  It turned out delicious, and I am craving some right now looking at this picture!

Thanks for reading!

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