Saturday, December 29, 2012

Last 10 Things I am Thankful For

Saturday, December 29, 2012
*Not sure if I mentioned this previously, but these are in no particular order*

21.  Snow tires for my little Corolla
My cute little car has two sets of tires: 
1. Snow tires
2. Warm weather tires (is there a specific name?)

It has snowed quite a bit here in the 801, which means driving can be dangerous and just a hassle. 
My snow tires are the best!   I feel very safe driving with them.
Mark and I were leaving his house seperately the other day, and it took a bit more work to get
his car out of the pile of snow that had accumulated.  My car, on the other hand, laughed at his while the snow fell on its knees as I drove on top of it easily. 

my tread is beastly

22.  Other people's blogs!
People.  I am such a stalker.  Not in a bad way, but more of a "Hey I don't know you, but your blog is fascinating even though you live in another state/are someone's sister that I graduated with/etc."  
I love learning more about life based on another person's perception.
It helps me learn more about myself and the way I look at things as well as motivate me to be a better person.

23.  Kind strangers
I started going to church a few months ago just to check it out and everyone has been so nice!
I have felt very welcome there:]
I love people who say please and thank you, hold doors open for one another, give compliments just because, show sincere interest in you and what you're about, etc.  They make the world a better place.

24.  Manners
Some people have them.  Some people don't know the meaning of the word.
I am certainly no "priss," but just be kind to one another is all I ask. 

-Please and Thank You
-You're Welcome
-Don't chew with your mouth wide open sloshing around your food 
and saliva so we can all hear and see

Here are a simple few.  Learn these please. They do wonders along with making people feel appreciated and comfortable.

25.  Smiles and Laughter
Cheesy, I know.
But let me tell you something: Smiles and laughing are contagious, I swear.
It will make you a happier person if you do these things. 

26.  Challenges and Failures
Are you confused as to why I like these?
Well, how would we ever improve if we never fail and realize our mistakes?
Life would be NO fun at all if we were good at absolutely everything and everything life threw at us went our way. 
Some of the happiest/proudest moments I can remember experiencing in my life
were times I learned a new task or improved something I was bad at. 

I wanted to give up water skiing and wakeboarding when I first attempted to learn.
I felt like I was drowning, the boat pulled too hard, I couldn't keep my feet straight. 

Would ya look at me now!

27.  My hair
Alright, alright this one seems weird and narcissistic doesn't it?
Probably so...but who said I couldn't include those things??  I missed the memo.
Let me tell you why I like it and why it is on my list:
Some people are born with really fine, thin hair.   That's great if they're good with it. 
I am happy for them.
Some people are born with unruly hair that is near impossible to tame.  Again, if they like it, that's awesome.  I am happy for you as well.

But I like mine better:]  It is somewhat thick, grows quickly, is soft and shiny, and I love experimenting with cuts and color!

It used to have it dark with red streaks. 
It was so awesome

28.  Those who volunteer
I wish I volunteered and helped others out more.
Seeing others appreciate everything you are doing to better that other
person's situation is such a good feeling.  
Giving really is better than Receiving

29.  Having a Fiance' who loves to cook
I am not the greatest cook.  I can get by, but Mark is the one who wants to try new recipes
and learn what all the different types of spices do to the food.  He knows a lot
and I hope I can learn from him!
One benefit: I get to eat a lot of his delicious creations 

30.  The Gospel
  I am a brand new convert, as of December 22, 2012, in the 
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

I am so excited about this!
I am a *brand new* Mormon

I may not be an expert or be able to recite scriptures quite yet or any time soon, but
 I certainly have my own testimony and beliefs that are strong enough to
 keep me striving to learn even more.
I am very thankful for the church:]

Keys to My Sanity © 2014