Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Best

Sunday, October 30, 2011
To start this off, I would like to paste what my Grandpa posted on his blog...
Hey Shan, should you happen to ever check back here, I just want to say that from the first time I heard you were coming, I was thrilled and for the last 19+ years you have never failed to impress me. You're a very special person and I'm honored to be your Grandpa and "friend". with that said, I've got a list of thoughts that I once wrote down, so I'll begin to post them and maybe you will get something out of one or all of them, so check back occasionally.

Now, this wasn't a comment on anything I wrote, this is a post he put up on his own blog in the hopes I would check in on it and read that.  I SURE DID! (Not to mention it wasn't my birthday or anything at all, it was a regular, non-special day) That post made me smile pretty big and it made my day! The fact that Grandpa posted something aimed at me was awesome!

I, simply, have the best grandparents ever! Both on Dad's side and Mom's.
Grandma S. (Janet)
Grandpa S.  (Robert)
Grandma P.  (Marilyn)
Grandpa P.  (Frank)

Both my Grandpas, on each side, aren't directly blood related to me. They married into the family and I was, technically, their step-grandchild. But each of them have been around since I was born!  I think it is awesome that I am still close to both of them and we aren't blood related; meaning they weren't genetically programmed to care about me. ha ha ha!  
Some people say that family only contains blood relatives.  But my "genetic" grandpas on each side, aren't, and haven't been there. Sure, they had an appearance in my life, but they didn't stick around. I have no grudges/issues with them. That's how it ended up, and that's fine.  I just LOVE who is here now and who has been involved throughout my life. My Grandpas are amazing!

Grandpa P always has something to say and tell, so it is very easy to chat with him.  He almost always has a witty/sweet remark about something and it is always so funny!  I remember, yeeeeeaaarrrs ago when Dad, Ryan, Aunt Jennifer, and my Grandpa and Grandma P would always go to the park and play some baseball. Grandpa P was always the one hitting the balls to us and helping us out and you could always tell he enjoyed it.  He is also creative! On our trip to Kauai, for breakfast one morning we had pancakes, but with mango, pineapple, and other fruit on it, with Coconut Syrup! He called it the Tropical Explosion!

Grandpa S is also very creative too. Whenever we talk, he usually has something new he is working on. Whether it be a painting or a story. He is also a very positive man. Never once have I ever in my 19+ years of knowing him have I heard him sound pessimistic about a situation. He may not like the situation, but he stays positive about it.  He is also very caring and has a new piece of cool information about things wherever we go. He also seems to remember a lot of songs he learned as he was growing up. Not rock band songs, but the short silly ones kids sing. ha ha! It's great!  It never surprises me when he breaks into a silly song.  He is also a very selfless person, and will do almost anything for anyone at anytime. 

Grandpa P hangin loose on the beach on our trip to Kauai!

 Grandpa S with my sis Kylee a few years ago on Christmas!

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of me with each of them on the computer I am using. So you guys will just have to deal with what I have. 

As for my Grandmas on each side, they are fantastic too!  They have always been so very supportive of what I do and always have cheered me on in what I do! (Not that my Grandpas haven't) When I played basketball in high school, which I miss desperately:'(, my grandparents went to a TON of games. I was really quite impressed!  Grandma P was always the loudest when it came to cheering. Even during loud parts of the game, there were times I could still hear "Go Oly!" and "Go Shan!" being yelled from Grandma P! She is always so sweet and is always the only one in the family to give someone a birthday/holiday card that, instead of being funny like all of us do, she gets the one that is caring and sweet:]
Grandma S and I have always loved to go to Snowbird!  In fact, this past summer when I went to Snowbird for a few days, she and I had steak together and went on a hike down a mountain!   She is always my talking/hiking buddy.  We have a lot of serious talks and a lot of hilarious ones! (Like our talk on our hike down the mountain in Snowbird about the time she and my Grandpa and their friends went biking in a canyon years ago and what one of her friends blurted out about something hurting....Grandma, you know what I'm talking about. It was HILARIOUS!) She is so goofy and always gets me to laugh :D 

 Grandma P and I in Kauai! Sunburned and all!

  Grandma and Grandpa S, and me, at their house a few years ago during the holidays! Sorry the picture quality is awful. I had to crop this one and make it bigger, so it is a tad pixelated.

On my computer I don't have very many pictures of me and my grandparents. I do on other computers and I have actual printed pictures, but just not on here, or else I would have put up more. Sorry guys!

I LOVE my Grandparents and I want to thank them for all they do for me and what an amazing privilege it has been to have them in my life.
xoxo Love you guys!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Weekend!

Monday, October 17, 2011
This past Saturday was a good day! I had the day off of work, and school of course, which made it even better, because I almost ALWAYS work Saturday nights. This one was just a fluke because someone needed to trade me shifts. Friday night for Saturday night. W00T!
While my brother was at work me and my dad just kinda hung around the house and chilled. He had to return a book to a library only a few minutes from our house and asked if I wanted to go. He was going to take his motorcycle, so I said "SURE!"
This wasn't the first time I had been on Dad's motorcycle. But it makes the trip so much more fun than taking a car!
Pretty slick huh? It's a Harley Davidson, so it's pretty awesome!

I wore the cool helmet out of the two.  The other one makes you look like the little mushroom head guys on Mario Bros.  haha!
So when we arrived at the library, Dad asked if I wanted to go anywhere else because the ride there was so short. I didn't need to go anywhere, and I was waiting for 5 o' clock to roll around so I could go to Ty's when he got off work, so we had a little time to kill(Plus, it was a beautiful day to ride!). We ended up riding to my grandparents' house to drop in and say hello real quick and talk.  It was good to see them again!
Tyler ended up getting off work early(woo hoo!) so we left my grandparents' house and went home. The quickest way home was the freeway of course. BUT I was nervous the freeway would be too fast and I'd fall off the back of the bike and perish...but I decided that we should take the freeway anyway.  It actually wasn't bad!  Just windy is all. 

When I got to Tyler's house we went somewhere to eat and I got a very yummy salad with diced apples and veggies and whatnot.

....those are my favorites! 
It was really good, except it did have too much dressing on it, in my opinion, but it was still tasty!

After dinner we went and saw Real Steel! It was really quite good actually.  I had wanted to see it ever since I saw the preview, but Tyler DID NOT want to see it. He thought it looked awful.  Then other people began telling him it was good, so he finally agreed:D  Plus, Hugh Jackman was in it, and he is a fantastic actor! You can't go wrong with him.

Finally, after the movie we decided to check out SUBZERO. The ice cream place where they make your ice cream using liquid nitrogen. I explained it back here!

 I got the Mint one! With Low-Fat base. If I go there again, I am thinking about trying the Soy or Rice Milk base. Could be interesting...

 Tyler got the Peanut Butter one. Sorry the picture is awful. Ty was driving and the pictures kept turning out fuzzy because of the moving around, and this was the best one.

I will say though, that taste wise, Coldstone Creamery and Frogurt beat this place! I love them both!
......Not to mention I had Frogurt on Friday!!  W00T!  Yes, ice cream, (technically Frogurt is frozen yogurt though) two days in a row, not a good idea. But they were awesome!
Friday night I came home from work to find Ryan and our Aunt Jennifer watching Ghost Adventures! I introduced it to my Aunt awhile back and now she loves it as much as I do!  We ended up getting Frogurt before the new episode aired and we were able to watch it! :D  Thanks Aunt Jennifer for being the coolest ever!
Ryan, Aunt Jennifer and I were all watching this new episode very intently and were loving it!.....Dad, on the other hand, came home from a football game and was not interested whatsoever. He just enjoyed his Frogurt and almost fell asleep on the LoveSac. ha!

Needless to say, I had a fantabulous weekend!

Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your week!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Saturday, October 15, 2011
I'm sorry I am such an inconsistent blogger.  But I'm not going to give you an excuse for my absence, I'm just gonna blog away instead.

Even though it is Saturday and almost over...
It has been a much needed, wonderful break though!

A few weeks ago Ryan, Dad and I went over to my grandparents house to have dinner with them and my Aunt Jennifer. It had actually been awhile since I had seen them and it was great to catch up with everybody.   Whenever we get together for a birthday my grandma almost always has fancy confetti on the table; it's kinda her thing:D  Well, when we went over it wasn't anyone's birthday, but it was October so she put some Halloween themed confetti on the table!

Ryan put together 4 of the 1/4 spider web confetti pieces to make a 
whole web, and stuck a spider on it.  Clever guy 

It was really fun to see everybody and chat and laugh like we always do!  Unfortunately my Uncle Dan and Aunt Haley couldn't be there.  They actually recently moved to Kansas! Which is exciting for them, but also kinda crappy because I'm not sure when we will all be able to get together again.  Hopefully they are loving it and we get to see them soon:]

The other day I went to the gym early in the morning and ended up going to Starbucks for breakfast. It was EXCELLENT!   I had an egg and spinach wrap with some orange juice!  So tasty!!
The OJ was so good!  Not to mention it is 100% juice!  Ingredients: Orange Juice

This Orange Juice talk remind me of a joke!.....
"Drink Apple Juice 'cause OJ will kill you"
hahaha!  Get it?  Because OJ Simpson killed his ex-wife(but found innocent...which is a lie) and OJ also means Orange Juice....? 
Ah, well if you don't get it, then you never will. 
My dad has a shirt that says that; it's awesome!
thanks for following!
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