Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Okay friends, I'll just skip the apology for not posting for awhile and get right to the actual blog post, sound good?

Hope everyone had a great time over the holidays!  I sure did.  Everyone was great and I was so happy to see family and just have a good time.  Thanks everyone for such a great holiday season!
I am only going to briefly mention the holidays because it is January, and I am SO done with them. Although the intentions are good and everyone had a great time, it is so stressful too!  Strange how that happens.

First of all.... I LOVE my Vans.  I got my first pair my sophomore year of high school and they have become one of my favorite pairs of shoes ever!  Sadly over the course of 4 years, they have been through rough times. So Mark got me a new pair for Christmas! I was so excited to have the same shoes that I absolutely love, but just not falling apart! 
Old Pair: LEFT (hole-y and dirty, but still awesome)
New Pair: RIGHT (awesomER, no holes and clean)

Christmas morning my family always has tamales for breakfast!  It has become quite the
 tasty tradition over the years.  We have also learned that putting eggs on top is delicious!!

New sunglasses for Christmas. So cool!

Moving on....
What is a Shannah Blog without food pictures, huh??

I snagged some vanilla yogurt and threw in some blueberries. I love blueberries! This was fantastic!

A spinach, pineapple, cantaloupe and blueberry salad I made!

I would also like to say that I am doing a No Sweets Until My Birthday Vow thing (includes no chocolate, candy, cake, ice cream, peanut butter, cookies, pie, etc.)  I had to throw peanut butter on that list because I love it far too much, it is almost like a dessert for me.
I started this on January 2nd and my birthday is on February 25th.  So about 7.5 weeks without my favorite things!  But it is going really well so far!  Yes, of course I am tempted, but I work through it.  It also helps that Mark is doing it with me. That way I can't cave because then I have to report to him that I failed....which is not an option.    

Oh, and I want to show you a pictures of my nails!  A nail tech at my work wanted to try out a fun version of doing Shellac by adding designs and whatnot. So I told her I would be happy to be the guinea pig.
Kinda cool huh?

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