Needless to say, when I found out that some how, some glorious way, I was scheduled 4 days off in a row while still getting in my 40 hours, I was ecstatic.
I looked at Mark and said, "We NEED to go somewhere!"
Then just like that, I text my family and told them that we should all go camping and boating in Flaming Gorge for those days. Surprisingly enough, it worked out for my dad, aunt and grandparents so we got planning!
Flaming Gorge
The first day I got burned on my thighs pretty badly.
So I wasn't exactly in the mood for tubing the rest of the trip and having my legs slap
against the tube multiple times.
Which was a bummer, but we still had fun:]
Mark and Lily attempting to catch fish
Unfortunately none of us caught any fish.
The worms we had got heat stroke and died so they were unusable.
every single night
Or maybe that was just me...
Complete with peanut butter
Tis' divine my friends.
Water does not equal Acid
Lily is unaware of this fact.
Funny Story: Mark and I were on the edge of the lake swimming around and we brought Lily with us.
She would swim and then get onto the rocks and steer clear of the water.
We tried to coax her in with beef jerky. It worked only a little.
After awhile of practicing swimming (which looked a lot more like Mark and me putting her in the water and her trying to escape), we decided to swim back to the boat.
We put Lily in the water and she was right behind me bee lining it to the boat hard core...or so I thought.
Apparently she was aiming for me. All of the sudden I feel her climb onto my back and sit there refusing to go back in the lake.
My dog hitched a ride on my back rather than swimming to the boat herself.
No words.
Running Around on the Beach
After being on the boat for a few hours, she was ready to run around.
We let her loose and she went crazy.
We played fetch with a ball that could float, but she would get so nervous when it bounced off the sand into the water. She would inch towards the ball making sure to not get in too far, and once the tide rolled in, she would jump backwards and chicken out.
It's a work in progress.
Needing to lick her nose in mid-run apparently.
More Fun
Mark cliff jumping
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