Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Loving Life

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
On July 11th Mark and I headed to the golf course so we could practice our putting and chipping.  Heaven knows we need work.
It was in the middle of the day, and there we were sweating, when suddenly I remembered it was 7/11...SEVEN ELEVEN.

It was so refreshing to slurp on one of these puppies on a hot day. 

We discovered there were two 7-Elevens on the way home...

You better believe we went for Round Two

Luckily, 7-Eleven had Piña Colada as one of their flavors!
Favorite. Flavor(and Drink). Ever. 

Is it weird I almost went for #3 on the way to work?

A few weeks ago, it was Mark's birthday!  If you guys remember, I informed you that Mark came from a family who was not very fond of cake.  I have known them for over a year now and I still don't get it!
Cake is the best. 

So for his birthday, this is what he had:

Happy Birthday Mark!

And last but not least, recently I have been making smoothies from fruit around the house, which happened to be strawberries and blueberries. 

I know what you're thinking..
"Did she drink that out of a....mason jar..?"
Dang straight I did. 

Life is treating us well my friends!

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