Monday, October 17, 2011

The Weekend!

Monday, October 17, 2011
This past Saturday was a good day! I had the day off of work, and school of course, which made it even better, because I almost ALWAYS work Saturday nights. This one was just a fluke because someone needed to trade me shifts. Friday night for Saturday night. W00T!
While my brother was at work me and my dad just kinda hung around the house and chilled. He had to return a book to a library only a few minutes from our house and asked if I wanted to go. He was going to take his motorcycle, so I said "SURE!"
This wasn't the first time I had been on Dad's motorcycle. But it makes the trip so much more fun than taking a car!
Pretty slick huh? It's a Harley Davidson, so it's pretty awesome!

I wore the cool helmet out of the two.  The other one makes you look like the little mushroom head guys on Mario Bros.  haha!
So when we arrived at the library, Dad asked if I wanted to go anywhere else because the ride there was so short. I didn't need to go anywhere, and I was waiting for 5 o' clock to roll around so I could go to Ty's when he got off work, so we had a little time to kill(Plus, it was a beautiful day to ride!). We ended up riding to my grandparents' house to drop in and say hello real quick and talk.  It was good to see them again!
Tyler ended up getting off work early(woo hoo!) so we left my grandparents' house and went home. The quickest way home was the freeway of course. BUT I was nervous the freeway would be too fast and I'd fall off the back of the bike and perish...but I decided that we should take the freeway anyway.  It actually wasn't bad!  Just windy is all. 

When I got to Tyler's house we went somewhere to eat and I got a very yummy salad with diced apples and veggies and whatnot.

....those are my favorites! 
It was really good, except it did have too much dressing on it, in my opinion, but it was still tasty!

After dinner we went and saw Real Steel! It was really quite good actually.  I had wanted to see it ever since I saw the preview, but Tyler DID NOT want to see it. He thought it looked awful.  Then other people began telling him it was good, so he finally agreed:D  Plus, Hugh Jackman was in it, and he is a fantastic actor! You can't go wrong with him.

Finally, after the movie we decided to check out SUBZERO. The ice cream place where they make your ice cream using liquid nitrogen. I explained it back here!

 I got the Mint one! With Low-Fat base. If I go there again, I am thinking about trying the Soy or Rice Milk base. Could be interesting...

 Tyler got the Peanut Butter one. Sorry the picture is awful. Ty was driving and the pictures kept turning out fuzzy because of the moving around, and this was the best one.

I will say though, that taste wise, Coldstone Creamery and Frogurt beat this place! I love them both!
......Not to mention I had Frogurt on Friday!!  W00T!  Yes, ice cream, (technically Frogurt is frozen yogurt though) two days in a row, not a good idea. But they were awesome!
Friday night I came home from work to find Ryan and our Aunt Jennifer watching Ghost Adventures! I introduced it to my Aunt awhile back and now she loves it as much as I do!  We ended up getting Frogurt before the new episode aired and we were able to watch it! :D  Thanks Aunt Jennifer for being the coolest ever!
Ryan, Aunt Jennifer and I were all watching this new episode very intently and were loving it!.....Dad, on the other hand, came home from a football game and was not interested whatsoever. He just enjoyed his Frogurt and almost fell asleep on the LoveSac. ha!

Needless to say, I had a fantabulous weekend!

Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your week!

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