Unfortunately I had work from 4-9pm on her birthday :[ But my mom, Ryan, Kylee and me all had french toast for breakfast and hung out until I had work. Kylee wanted to go to the fair for her birthday celebration and was so sad I couldn't go :'[ I was sad too. But she ended up having a great time and she came back home with her face painted.
But when work ended I knew my mom didn't get Kylee a cake. And, HELLO, every 8 year old needs a birthday cake!!! So I dropped by Cold Stone Creamery (which has fantastic ice cream by the way. SO unhealthy, but SO good) and grabbed her an ice cream cake. It has Cold Stone's signature flavor(one of many others) called Birthday Cake Remix that has Cake Batter ice cream in it as well as fudge and sprinkles and whatnot. It really does taste like a birthday cake! I also had to go to Walmart to get a candle too, and I rushed home so we could sing to her :D
Yes, those are in fact Kit Kat's on the cake :]
The Birthday Girl with butterfly face paint and all.
On a side note, I was at work the other day with no dinner, as usual because I always forget, and my boss told me she made a HUGE salad and its in the fridge for everyone. SCORE!
It was so GOOD!
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