Sunday, March 13, 2011


Sunday, March 13, 2011
This past year I have encountered many things that I knew would come, but didn't expect them to so quickly.  Graduating high school and starting college is a wonderful example.  In fact, I am almost done with my first year of college at Weber State University. Well, I am toward the middle of April, but still, I am shocked this came so quickly. I remember thinking a few years ago that growing up couldn't come any quicker and it seemed so far away, but is happening as I speak.  But I suppose that's life for ya.

Anywhooo...On April 18th I am running a 5K.  Which honestly, is not that difficult.  I have run a few in the past along with a season on the Cross Country team in high school last year. (which I only did because I thought it would get me into shape for basketball season) But I don't love running. In fact, some days I despise it with every bone in my body.  But I am doing this 5K in April really to just make a jump start on my Journey To Love Running And Making It A Hobby And To Become Healthier!!  That's one hell of a journey right? Indeed.  I just would love to wake up and think to myself, "I'm going to run 5 miles today."  Right now, I would want to kill myself, but that is a goal of mine:] 
But for this 5K I am going to have to train for if I want to make a pretty good time.  I haven't exercised in SO long! School, work, time, homework, and a touch of laziness have taken a huge toll on me and my relationship with exercise, but I am DEFINITELY going to turn that right around.
Wish Me Luck!

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