Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Top Spin

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Mark played tennis in high school so he is pretty darn good. 

I hadn't done more than try bump a ball over the net with family members until I got tired.
I hadn't had any proper practice, so the number of balls I have sky rocketed over fences (and lost) in my career is well over any number I'd be comfortable sharing. 

I've been working on my game quite a bit with Mark and he
has taught me so much!
Top spin has changed my life. 

But there is so much more to learn.  I still end up smacking the net because I don't finish high enough or don't hit it hard enough.  But it has been a lot of fun!

Lily tags along every time we go

Tennis is fun.  I can agree to that. 
But I like to think it is almost like golf....
they both make me so angry, I feel like chucking the racket/club from time to time.

Since I use Mark's old (but preferred) racket every time we play, 
he decided to invest in a new one!

Slightly jelly...

We [I mainly] enjoy being odd on the court as well. 

What hobby are you picking up?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Keep On Keepin' On

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Week 438...

I mean Week 7

Believe me, I disappointed myself. 
Frankly, I got discouraged with taking photos because I was 
comparing myself to everybody else's.
"Why don't mine look like that?"
"How do I do what they did??"

So I said, " takes practice. Get over it,"
after a few weeks of anti-camera.

I'm still working on the 'get over it' part, but I'm trying, right?

What I Wore Today

Mark and I got some new hiking boots. 
Well, Mark and I got our very first pair of hiking boots. 

Week 8
Black and White

Any ideas on how to Keep on Keepin' On?

Keys to My Sanity © 2014