Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Self Portrait

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Week 1
Self Portrait

When I started this project, I had a lot of images in my head of what I wanted to create. 
I was pumped!
I wanted maybe some crazy, fun, glittery outrageous makeup, or a beautiful morning light with nature background, or something that popped.

Let's just say it didn't go quite as planned. 

It was incredibly difficult. 
I couldn't use my tripod because the part that connects the camera to the tripod was in Mark's car, so I improvised and stabled it on a table.
Why was it in his car? I haven't got the slighted clue. 

This is what I came up with.
I kind of like it.  I have always loved the black and white photos with accentuated
freckles and wrinkles you see from time to time.

I tried to do that with a bit of editing and it worked for the most part!

I call it:
I Am Over Taking Self-Portraits

Next up...
2. What makes me smile

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

20 Week Challenge

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I love when I am given challenges.

Most of the time, I get irritated when someone says I can't do something.  
(Don't even get me started on the "men can do it better than women; girls are weak" crap)
So when I have a chance to prove myself, I will gladly do so.  

I also love photography.  
I have been practicing a lot lately on manual mode and though I am improving, there is
still so much to learn.  It is ridiculous. 

I've have been practicing though:

I have accepted a challenge I saw on Pinterest today. 

If you'd like to see what I come up with, check back every week!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

One Year Down, Eternity To Go

Wednesday, March 12, 2014
On Sunday March 9th, Mark and I celebrated our
1 year wedding anniversary

It is crazy to think it has been one year since we promised to love, take care of, annoy, support, and 
tease each other for eternity!

We had a fantastic day

Mark and I decided to spend the 60 degree weather at the park for a few hours after 9am church.

We brought Lily and had a picnic while we basked in free vitamin D.  

I feel like she knew we were heading to the park

We played with Lily, laughed, enjoyed the weather, and read about our current
 favorite character and set of stories.

When we planned on exchanging gifts, we did not want to spend much money, if not any.  

Let's just say Mark is more creative than he leads on to be. 

I woke up in the morning to a card and this....

The kid I call my husband is a crafting genius!!

It is a Memory Jar. 

His plan was for us to get more popsicle sticks, and when we have another great memory, 
write it down and replace it with one in the jar. 

There is no way I will throw any of them away though. 
He worked on decorating this for hours and hours, and filled it with almost 200 popsicle sticks with memories of our first year of marriage written on them.


He bought the beads
Picked out the burlap
Put a key on it, because he knows how much I love them

he freaking picked out colored string, which matched our wedding colors!

I feel so blessed to have such a caring and thoughtful husband. 
I sure love that guy to death.

I have so much to be thankful for.

One year down, and eternity to go!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Lily-Beast

Thursday, March 6, 2014

If you were to put a ball on the ground and then set a rope right
beside it, which would my dog choose?

Let's observe the Lily-beast in her natural habitat...

Did I spend almost forty minutes taking these while watching my dog play with her rope, watch me, and then go back to her rope? 

Keys to My Sanity © 2014