Sunday, April 29, 2012

Limeade and Cake

Sunday, April 29, 2012
Check me out, blogging twice in two days!
If you are wondering if you should be impressed, the answer is Yes.

I don't know about you guys, but I am ready for the summer!  Although I will be working more, the weather will be warm and I won't have school.  What more can you ask for?

Isn't it crazy how time flies by and we don't even notice until we stop ourselves in our busy lives and suddenly realize, woah, I have two years of college under my belt.  I remember graduating high school like it was yesterday!
But am I the only one who is so shocked how fast [and slow] time can go by?  It is kind of scary, actually.

On a completely different note, but surely not foreign to this blog—food.

Black Bean Burger Breakfast Burrito

Probably two months ago or so me, Dad and Ryan were trying to come up with dinner.  After much contemplation, Ryan suggested making a breakfast burrito and using our Black Bean Burgers from Costco as the "meat" part of it.  It. Was. So. Good!   
JalapeƱos, Red Onions, Eggs, Black Bean Burgers, Cheese and of course hot sauce all on top of a whole wheat tortilla!

 I would also like to briefly mention my birthday which was back in February.  I only want to touch on it because I have to show you the awesome cake my dad baked for me as well as some amazing drinks Mark and I made.

Hooray, 20th birthday! I remember when I was 11 years old.  I thought it was so cool I was going to turn "The Double One" as I called it, and here I am 9 years later.  I'm tellin' you, time is strange!

The Cake
was absolutely delicious and so pretty! 

My dad is pretty dang good at cooking/baking and he won't admit it. 
The light sucks and I took this with my phone, but isn't it cute?!
....and what are those all over it??

Although I am a chocolate fiend, as I like to phrase it, the cake was Vanilla with vanilla frosting with blueberries in the cake and all over it and I couldn't have asked for anything more!

The Drink
was just like the Brazilian Limeade at Tucano's and it is amazing! 
It is Mark's favorite drink so we had to make it when he found a recipe.

 Please try to excuse the microwave, paper towels and light switches in the background...
We had nowhere else to take the picture so I had to make do.

I'm sure I will write you again at some point or another.  
Have a fantastic rest of your weekend!

Friday, April 27, 2012

I'll start blogging more, I promise

Friday, April 27, 2012
Alright peeps, I'll spare you the apology and just simply state: "School is like a full time job."
But I would like to add that I took my Final Final today!  YES.  Praise the heavens above, it is summer!

What have I been up to lately?
School, work, studying for finals, and having a grand old time in my life endeavors.
I have also been doing a lot of cooking with Mark, too.  It is a hobby we developed together and it is pretty dang fun! We are definitely enhancing our skills as well.

Here is a sample of our cooking accomplishments:

Our Homemade Granola

Awesome Spicy Noodles
(Definitely one of our favorite dishes)

I would have included more pictures but I just realized that we haven't taken too many pics of our meals and I don't want to just upload one from the internet, so you're getting two dish pics today. 

As a side note, for some odd reason I have really been getting into oatmeal lately!  I have hated it ever since I can remember...until about 4 months ago.  No, I don't make that quick, microwave sugary stuff. I make a much healthier version:  Boiled oats, blueberries(dried or fresh), almondsdried cranberries and granola (I used to hate cranberries too up until a few months ago. What was I thinking?!)

Although this photo lacks cranberries and almonds, you get the idea.
I don't even add any salt, sugar, syrup or anything else to it. Just nuts, granola and berries and it is delicious!

Over Spring Break,(obviously this part of the post is way overdue) which was more than a month ago, Mark and I headed to St. George to see his family!  It was so much fun!  Everyone in his family is freaking awesome and we were entertained the entire trip.  
-Hiking Angel's Landing in Zions National Park
-Mini golfing with his family
-Watching Jazz games
-Played basketball
              --Both pickup games with some other guys (which we owned by the way), and Seven On The Line with his bro and dad
—Those are just a few activities we did but I was so grateful I was able to head down there with him and have a great time with everyone!

 Mark just moving the tree out of the way ;]

 Tim and Annie up way higher than I would prefer to be

Adam, Mark and Me
This isn't the whole group; Mark's brother, Tim, and his girlfriend Annie are missing.

Just thought I would update this blog here and let you know that since summer is here I will have more time to blog!  So I will definitely, most likely, try harder to blog more often.  

Keys to My Sanity © 2014