Friday, September 30, 2011

Hello Again!

Friday, September 30, 2011
Second post of the day!

Just something random for you, a week or so ago I had an egg sandwich for lunch with some Multigrain chips from Costco.  It was really tasty!
This is it! The buns that we buy, other than our regular bread loaves, are super thin and whole wheat. They are SO good!  We happened to be out of bread so I had to use a bun.  But the pan I used for the egg was bigger than the bun, so the egg was SO much bigger than the bun :D

 Seriously, these chips are so good!  I love them!

For the spread on the egg sandwich I used this jalapeno yogurt stuff we get from Costco. That stuff, again, is way tasty!

Also I still have been working out just like I promised I would!  Always 5 days a week, Monday—Friday, weekends off.  I work out 5 days a week unless something comes up.  Like last week....

Monday: cardio and weights(arms)
Tuesday: no gym, and I forgot why... there was some time issue
Wednesday: cardio and weights (legs and arms)
Thursday: cardio
Friday: no gym. I felt so sick. My plan was to go to the gym, until in my final class of the day, I began to feel awful. So I went home and rested.

Yes, I only truly worked out 3 days that week. :[  I felt so guilty!  BUT I forgot all about it, and made myself feel better the next week:D  If I feel bad about stuff like that, my motivation might deteriorate, and I cannot let that happen.  Not to mention, about 2 weeks ago I was SO NOT IN THE MOOD for the gym. At all!  But I overcame it:]

Usually when I do my 30 minutes of cardio I either run outside(mostly counted by laps, not time), elliptical or a stationary bike. 
Here are my results from a few days ago on the bike:
 I don't know how accurate this is, but I'm sure it is partly right!

Oh, and on Wednesday I saw this Beeeuuutiful vehicle!
I am very jealous of the owner

Lots To Post

Alright guys, I am finally getting around to posting pictures and whatnot of what I have been up to.  It's been crazy busy and tiring lately and I have lots to tell, so I'll do my best to keep you up to date!
And try to remember that all of this didn't come from yesterday, or last week. This stuff has come from the past few weeks! Yes I know, I'm a slacker.

Double Rainbow
 W00T!  A double rainbow!  I woke up one morning to leave for school, and as I was walking to my car I happened to spot this!  I ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS forget to bring my camera anywhere. For some reason, I just don't remember!  So I always take pictures with my phone, so that is partly why the quality is quite not up to par.

I don't recall what the name of the event was, but the U was having a school activity/concert thing one night.  Tyler and I decided to go to it and we met up with our good friend Tristan and some of her friends.  It was, for me at least, SO MUCH FUN!  I have never been to a concert before in my life. Terrible I know.  

Side note—Actually, a few years ago me and my dad and brother all went to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  Which was AWESOME!!  But I don't count that as a real concert yet, because I didn't have to pay for the ticket and it wasn't necessarily a band. 
If you have never heard of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, LOOK IT UP!! It's not like a lame, regular orchestra. They play Christmas songs but with electric guitars and laser shows and whatnot, and it is seriously awesome!

Continuing onto the regular story, we all were hanging around The Union waiting for something to happen, because at first it was lame. Nothing was happening, there were just booths to look at. Then the opening band played a few songs and they weren't too bad.  Then the main band came out to play. It was Cobra Starship!  I am not a huge fan of them, but I did recognize the name and was excited to see them live. I didn't expect to have so much fun because their music isn't necessarily my cup of tea. But it was dark by the time they came on and they sounded great! I even recognized quite a few songs and sang along.  About 2 songs into the show, I looked at my friends and said we should go in there! I then pointed to the middle of the big crowd. We all agreed and shoved our way through!

Those pictures above were taken when we were on the outer rim of the crowd.

But we got much closer!

Alright, so we weren't in the MIDDLE middle, but we were still in the huge crowd and surrounded by jumping fans, so we just joined in and had tons of fun!
I didn't think I would have as much fun as I did, but it seriously was GREAT!

Awhile ago my Aunt Jennifer said that she had a few tickets, that he work gave her, to a Real Salt Lake soccer game on a Saturday! I have never been to one of those games before so I REALLY wanted to go! They were tickets to one of those box suites and my aunt invited me and Ryan, my brother.  Unfortunately, I had work that night til 9 :[  And the game started at 7:00 I think.  BUT I ended up getting off early because it was SO slow, and we had almost nobody else working because the majority of the employees went to a wedding reception of one of the girls who worked with us.  So I called my boss and I was able to leave there at 8!  When I got to the stadium, I was able to watch about 20 minutes of the game. Short, but fun:] I definitely want to go to another game and watch the entire thing.

My aunt also said that a band was performing after the show! Man, TWO CONCERTS IN ONE WEEK!  Crazy!  It was One Republic, and I recognized them too!  Once again, not my cup of tea, but they are very talented and it was fun!

They let people on the field to watch One Republic

Tons of people were on the field!  The announcer kept saying "Parents please keep your kids from sliding on the grass." And wouldn't ya know it, they all kept on sliding on the field and nobody cared... 

Once the concert was finished and the field cleared.

Trying to be serious like the players...

 I'll probably post again today to tell you more. But I am in class now, Introduction to Forensic Anthropology.  

See ya!

Monday, September 26, 2011


Monday, September 26, 2011
Yes, I realize I haven't blogged in probably 2 weeks!  But SO much is happening in my life right now, I haven't had time, nor the serious desire, but I'll get better!

This post is just about one thing dog Joey! 

Joey is a pure bred chihuahua and is awesome!  A lot of people don't like chihuahuas because of their big ears and eyes, but Joey is adorable!   He loves to cuddle with anyone at any time, and is obsessed with blankets.  If you have a soft blanket lying around, you should be able to find Joey lying on it.
Not only is he cute, but he is hilarious and sweet.
My sister and I will occasionally make a loud "ooooo" sound at the same time, and eventually Joey will FLIP OUT.  He runs around the room barking his head off and pretty much attacks us at the same time haha. He will jump around us and on us and bark the whole time we make that sound.

Here are some pictures of him!

 He LOVES to sleep under the covers at night. I don't know how he doesn't suffocate!

Sorry for the short post, but I hope you love Joey now too!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oranges and Jackets

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Strange title huh?  I sure think so.
This last Sunday my mom decided to make a Thanksgiving-type dinner.  Including...everything!  Turkey, yams, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, and stuffing.   I'm not sure why she had the sudden urge to do this, but she did a swell job!

I helped her prepare the turkey, and I had never done that before, so that was quite interesting. She took out all of the innards herself because it really grossed me out and I just couldn't do it.  But I helped her season it and whatnot. Making a turkey is too much of an ordeal, so I'm not sure I want to do that alone any time soon.  But all of the food turned out fantastic!  I am realizing now that I LOVE yams and squash! (are they the same thing? I've been told that before, but I don't think its true...) Either way, VERY TASTY!   Wish I would have taken pictures, but I didn't really think about it.  Oh well, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it!

Before dinner, my sis Kylee and I decided to use the juicer again and make home made orange juice!

Took forever to peel them!

14 oranges!

Juicing 14 oranges ONLY took up about 1/5 of the pitcher. CRAZY

It turned out pretty tasty!  Really sour though, so I decided to add some water to it, and that did the trick. It's even better now :D

On Friday, Tyler and I got to hang out!  Unfortunately Friday is pretty much the only day we ever get to spend time with one another, but we still make the best of it. After just wasting time and walking around his neighborhood and whatnot, we had dinner at The Spaghetti Factory!  It was really good!

I ordered the Spinach Cheese Ravioli
The food was great!  Unfortunately Tyler's Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo didn't sit well him, but he felt better through the end of the night.  We were also going to go to Rocky Mountain Raceway to watch Midnight Drag with some friends, but he and I were exhausted so we ended up skipping it and just resting and I went home shortly after.
Well this morning I got up about 6:15 so I could go to the gym before class and have enough time to get ready and get to class on time.  I ran one lap around Murray Park, which really isn't that far, but it was still nice! In fact, it was pretty chilly, so I had to wear a light sweatshirt.  I also lifted weights and whatnot, and I feel great!  I also went by Subway, yes Subway AGAIN, and I decided to try their breakfast for the first time.  It was pretty good!  I had a 6" flat bread sandwich with egg, cheese, spinach, onions and jalapenos.  YUM!  I was actually pretty impressed with it.  Since it was a somewhat chilly day today, or it was for me at least, I decided to wear Tyler's jacket!
I took this in the locker room at the gym, so the quality is crap.  For some reason, Tyler's jackets are always SO comfortable!  He gave me this one and I was psyched to wear it!  I love wearing them because they are big and comfortable, and not to mention, he wore/wears them too, so they remind me of him.  :D

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Thursday, September 8, 2011
On Wednesday I went to my mom's after lifting and doing cardio at the gym and hung out with my little sister and helped her with her homework.  It was actually fun!  She had to read for 20 minutes and practice her spelling words for the week, which I quizzed her on. Even the Bonus Words! Which are pretty hard for 3rd graders: recommend, appetite, discovery, instruction.  I had to ingrain them into her mind and she got them all right in the end!  She also had a project to work on.  All the kids in her class had to build a pizza box oven thing. They were going to cook nachos at school and they had to make the pizza box oven to cook them. I remember doing this project in elementary school too, only we had to cook smores.
Just started making it

 Finished product!  We did pretty dang good!
We had a lot of fun too!  We had to use a stick to hold up the flap because it was the ONLY thing that would work! In the instructions, the teacher said to put a thumbtack or nail in the back of the box and tie a string on that, that then attaches to the top of the flap. That totally would not work on this box. It was frustrating for awhile, but then Brilliant Kylee went outside and grabbed the stick!
3rd Grader: 1     Sophomore in College: 0

 One of the blogs I am following is written by a girl I graduated with and it is fantastic! It seriously gets me so motivated to eat healthy, exercise, and try new foods that are good for me.  One of the things she does a lot is use the juicer she has.  I had never done that before and I have been wanting to do it for months!  I also just remembered that my mom has a juicer! DUH!  It is almost never used so I forgot all about it. So the same night as the pizza box oven creation, I went on a run. Yes, I did already exercise earlier that same day and I was exhausted, but a short run, seriously, sounded like so much fun!  So I ran for awhile around the block and then came back and decided to whip out that juicer!

Creation 1
Apple Carrot Ginger

My thoughts?   I thought it was pretty good:]  Personally, I like carrots, but not carrot juice. So I think that was kind of the deal breaker there, but I still drank it all and enjoyed it.

Creation 2
Apple Orange

I realize that it looks almost identical to the other one, but oh well.  This juice, OBVIOUSLY, is not adventurous in any way. But hey, I've got to start somewhere, and I just wanted something healthy and tasty, so why not add apples and oranges together!?  It was very good! I really want to start juicing more and making yummy smoothies with a blender, so that is my goal:]  I also really really really want to try making a Green smoothie. They sound amazing for  your body and also look good too!

After my first juicing experience, I ate some squash my mom put in the oven. Which was SO FREAKIN DELICIOUS!!!
All I put on it was pepper and a tiny tiny hint of salt.  That's it!  It turned out delicious, and I am craving some right now looking at this picture!

Thanks for reading!

Weekend Endeavors

Labor Day weekend!  The weekend where everyone and their dog go camping, go on vacation, or other fun things.  I, on the other hand, just stayed at home, went to work, and hung out with Tyler.  Not too exciting, but still fun!  The best part about Labor Day is there is no school. w00t!

On a side note, I have been going to the gym at least 4 days a week(usually 5!) since I made that promise to myself!  SUCCESS!  The gym truly makes me feel so great!  I know I have more energy, I am in better shape, I feel healthier, and I have a teeny tiny bit more muscle definition! wooo hooo!    I love working out now!  Sure, I do have those days where I just want to lounge around and I dread the gym like everybody else, BUT I have those days much less often than I used to.  I am loving the gym!

On Labor Day I had to work from 9am-4pm, but no big deal, I enjoyed it. It was actually really really slow....and I got so bored, but stayed in a good mood :], I truly started taking out the keys on the keyboard and cleaning the whole thing. And when I say I was cleaning it, I mean CLEANING it.  I was taking out the keys, and cleaning them individually, AND scraping, yes scraping, and wiping down underneath the keys. It was disgusting!! Boredom sure got the best of me.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish it, but I did get a few rows of key looking good! I'm sure another super slow day will come soon and I'll get to finish.

When I got off of work I drove right to Tyler's house to hang for awhile!  We were both really hungry and decided to go to Cafe Normandie. 

I got a delicious Black Bean Burger with other fixings on it. On the side I got sweet potato fries! SO GOOD!

Ty had a garlic burger with sweet potato fries, but I didn't get a picture of it. It did look pretty good though!  After that he and I just sort of wandered around trying to think of something to do that is cheap and easy.  So we ended up just walking around his neighborhood and to the gas station near his house so he could get a Dr. Pepper.  HE IS ADDICTED TO THAT STUFF.   I don't drink soda, so I don't see the appeal...

I would also like to add that he put this picture up on his blog first. BUT I did take this picture of us with his camera, soooo I should get the credit..  ;]

We also ended up driving to Sonic because I was CRAVING a slushie type of drink, and all of the shave ice places are closed. So we drove up there so he could get a Cherry Lime Aid and me a Blue Coconut Slushie!

All in all it was a great day!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Old Times

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Not even an hour ago my brother Ryan and I were playing the card game Uno with a deck of cards (that was missing quite a few...) that was based on Rugrats! Remember Rugrats?!  Oh my lord, I used to love that show! Ryan and me and Dad all started playing on our Nintendo 64 too. Games: Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros.
So I am making a list of awesome, fantastic things I used to love when I was a kid. Given the chance...I would still watch/play them now:]

Chuckie, Tommy, Phil, Lil and Angelica. Oh and Cynthia and Reptar of course.

I am ALWAYS Yoshi in this game. If you take Yoshi, you are going down.

...and I am ALWAYS Pikachu in this game:]

Wild Thornberrys!! Oh my lord, I miss that show.

 Rocket Power!  Ryan(my bro) and I used to watch this show alllll the time! 
Squid, Twister, Otto and Reggie

Watched this pretty much every single day when I got home from school. Channel 11, then again on Channel 7 :D

Holy crap! One of my all time favorite shows.  Mr. Feeny and Eric were the best!

I'm sure there are plenty more, but these are the ones that I could think of, and I LOVED them all so much.  Ah man, being a kid was great.  There were some amazing shows on back then!  Unlike the crap kids are watching these days.... *ah-hem* that means you Phineas and Ferb and Wizards of Waverly Place...and everything else on Disney.

On to another subject, a few days ago after working out at one of the gyms I go to, I noticed that they had a very small Farmers Market outside in the parking lot.  I walked around and checked out what they had and decided to buy an apple! (he had samples, and they were good!)  
I asked how much they were a piece and he said .50 cents.  So I bought a big one and then he gave me a smaller one for free, and told me "let me know if the bigger or smaller one tastes better the next time you see me."  What a nice guy:]

After washing them off, because I am turning into an anti-germ freak, I ate the big one.  It was really very tasty!  I gave the smaller one to Tyler when I saw him because he really likes green apples opposed to the red ones:]

Aftermath of eating the big one.  I don't think I could have eaten anymore unless I consumed the seeds.
They were so good!!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Gee, Thanks

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Inside one of the two gyms I go to, there is a small area where they will mix protein drinks for you that you customize, and they also sell a few drinks like Vitamin Water, sports drinks, Odwalla, and a few others. So a few days ago I dropped by there as I was leaving the gym to check it out because I have never looked into that small shop before. 
I ended up buying this!
I have had this drink before.  It seriously looks disgusting! It is kinda thick and 
a nasty green color. But it is SO GOOD!

Sorry the pictures are terrible, I took them with my phone in the car!  
Don't worry though, I wasn't driving at the time :]

There was a lot of fruit inside there!  This drink/smoothie is very good, and I recommend it to anyone willing to try something that looks nasty.
But when I read this backside I was very puzzled by the last thing on the list: SPIRULINA. What in the world is that?!  I had to look it up, and came up with this!

"Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids (a type of antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage). It contains nutrients, including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid)."

What I got from that is: Spirulina is good for you!  W00T!

BUT what I found on the other side...AFTER I had almost completely finished it made me think.... "Wow. Gee, thanks Gym-I-Shall-Not-Reveal"

Expires AUGUST 13, 2011!?!
I'd also like to add that it was August 31st the day I drank it!!.....

Although it was still good, I was shocked that they don't check the expiration date on products they are selling every once in awhile? Then lucky me comes along and buys an expired drink.  Wow. haha I guess I could have paid more attention though...

I do have more to say and tell you, but I have to go to work, so I will try and posts again today or tomorrow for sure!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Thursday, September 1, 2011
I've completely been slacking on posting here.  For awhile there I did really well...until school started.  Now I'm running out of time and energy.  But, hey, what can ya do?

So on my previous post about the oh so wonderful SUBWAY, I mentioned I was going to post a few pictures of my unfortunately short boating trip!

About a week and a half ago, my dad informed me that he had the day off and he was going to take the boat up to East Canyon Lake and bring some very good friends of his, along with their little girl. I had school that day until about 12, so I had to rush up there after class and try to get in a few good hours of boating!   I got up there about 1ish and we all had lunch on the boat. Sandwiches and whatnot, but we even had lettuce and avocado and tomatoes too.  Although I don't like tomatoes, everyone else seemed to love them.  Julie brought some amazing watermelon and grapes too!  SO GOOD!

It was a very very GREEN and beautiful drive up the canyon! I had to take some pictures on the way.  I would just stop on the road, because nobody was behind me, and snap a pic with my phone.

See how pretty it was!  
By the way, please excuse a few picture I put up here. I took them with my
phone real quick and didn't realize my finger was in the way.... haha


 Great water for water skiing!

 If only my giant finger wasn't in the picture...

 It got a bit cloudy at times, but it was still great weather!

 Dad was the primary driver.  I'm too scared I'll crash into something, like a large piece of driftwood or something that could damage the propeller, if it were left up to me...

All in all, my few hour boating trip was a success.  I also water skied, rode the tube and got thrown from it every single time no matter who I was riding with! Not to mention when I rode with Brian, there were a few times I swear we got some serious air!  I also attempted slalom skiing and I completely failed, as I have every time I try it. haha, maybe I'm just not meant to learn.

Ta Ta For Now!
Keys to My Sanity © 2014